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Herbs &



We carry over 225 Herbs, Roots, and Resins!

All prices listed are per ounce unless otherwise specified,

and are subject to change without notice.


Herb, flowers, and roots can be added to incense, mojo bags, baths, potpourri, and all kinds of magical workings! â€‹Check out our vast list to see what suits your needs.


Please educate yourself prior to ingesting any herb; remember,

Natural doesn't mean harmless. If in doubt, consult your physician or a licensed herbalist.

We are not an allergen-free facility.

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Agrimony - $3.75

Alfalfa Leaf - $3.50

Alkanet Root - $2.75

Allspice - $3.25

Aloe Vera - $5.50

Althea Leaf - $2.75

Althea Root - $3.50

Angelica - $6.00

Aniseed - $3.00

Arnica - $3.00

Asafoetida - $5.75

Ashwagandha - $2.50

Astragalus - $2.75
Balm of Gilead - $6.00

Barberry - $2.50

Basil - $2.25

Basil, Holy (Tulsi) - $3.25

Bay Leaf - $3.75

Bayberry Powder - $5.25

Bayberry Root - $12.00

Bergamot - $5.00

Birch Leaf - $3.00

Bittersweet - $5.75

Black Seed - $1.50

Black Walnut Bark - $4.00

Blessed Thistle - $3.00

Bloodroot - $7.00

Blue Flag - $7.35

Boneset - $3.75

Borage - $3.25

Broom Tops - $4.75

Buckeye - 99 cents

Buckthorn - $3.50

Burdock - $3.25

Butterfly Pea Flower - $ 3.75

Calamus Root - $3.75

Calendula - $3.75

Caraway Seed - $2.50

Cardamom Pods - $5.00

Cardamom Seeds - $5.00

Cascara Segrada - $2.75

Cassia Bark - $5.00

Catnip - $4.75

Cayenne Powder - $3.25

Cedar - $5.75

Celandine - $4.50

Celery Seed - $2.75

Chamomile - $5.00

Chaste Tree Berries - $2.25

Cherry Bark - $6.75

Chickweed - $3.50

Chicory Root - $2.75

Cinnamon Powder - $3.00

Cinnamon Stick - $5.00

Cleavers - $2.75

Clover, Red - $4.50

Cloves - $4.00

Cohosh, Black - $6.00 

Cohosh, Blue - $7.35

Coltsfoot - $3.00

Comfrey Leaf - $3.25

Comfrey Root - $3.75

Cornflowers - $4.25

Cornsilk - $2.00

Couchgrass - $3.25

Cramp Bark - $5.00

Cumin Seed - $3.00

Damiana - $5.25

Dandelion Leaf - $3.25

Dandelion Root - $3.25

Deer's Tongue - $11.20

Devil's Claw - $3.50

Devil's Shoestring - $19.60 

Dill Seed - $4.50

Dill Weed - $4.50

Dittany of Crete - $11.50

Dong Quai - $4.00

Echinacea - $6.50

Elderberry - $3.50

Elderflower - $4.00

Elecampagne - $4.75

Ephedra - $3.75

Eucalyptus - $2.75

Evening Primrose - $7.50  Temporarily Unavailable

Eyebright - $4.75

Fennel Seed - $2.25

Fenugreek - $2.25

Feverfew - $3.00

Five Finger Grass - $5.00

Flax Seed - $2.00

Fo-Ti Root - $3.00

Fumitory - $3.75

Galangal/Low John - $2.50

Gentian Root - $5.25

Ginger - $3.75

Ginkgo Biloba - $2.75

Ginseng Root - $14.75

Goldenrod - $2.00

Golden Seal Powder - $39.00

Gotu Kola - $2.50

Green Tea (Japanese) - $2.25

Guinea Pepper - $5.00

Hawthorn Berries - $4.00

Hawthorn Flowers - $3.75

Heather - $3.50

Hibiscus - $3.00

High John Root - $15.00

Honeysuckle - $9.00

Hops - $3.00

Horehound - $2.75

Horsetail - $5.25

Hydrangea - $3.00

Hyssop - $3.00

Icelandic Moss - $4.25

Irish Moss - $5.75

Jasmine - $3.00

Job's Tears - $3.50

Juniper Berries - $5.00

Kava Kava - $6.00

Knotgrass - $3.25

Kola Nuts - $3.25

Lady's Mantle - $3.50

Lavender - $5.50

Lemon Balm - $3.00

Lemon Grass - $3.00

Lemon Peel - $2.75

Lemon Verbena - $3.75

Licorice Sticks, Mulched -$3.00

Licorice Sticks, Whole - $3.25

Life Everlasting - $10.50 

Lily of the Valley - $3.25

Lime Leaf (Kaffir) - $8.00

Linden Flowers - $3.00

Lobelia - $3.75

Lotus Petals, White - $2.50

Lotus Petals, Super Blue - $28.50

Lovage - $5.75

Mandrake, American - $7.75

Marjoram - $2.25

Meadowsweet - $4.50

Mistletoe - $3.25

Motherwort - $3.25

Mugwort - $7.00

Mullein - $3.75

Mustard, Black - $2.25

Mustard, Yellow - $2.00

Myrtle - $4.00

Nettle - $3.25

Nigella Seed - $1.50

Nutmeg Powder - $3.25

Nutmeg, Whole - $3.50

Oak Bark - $2.75

Oakmoss - $3.25

Oatstraw - $2.75

Orange Peel - $3.00

Oregano - $4.00

Oregon Grape - $5.00

Orris Root - $6.50

Palo Santo Chips - $4.00

Papaya Leaf - $2.50

Parsley - $2.00

Passionflower - $3.00

Patchouli Leaf - $4.00

Pau D'Arco - $3.00

Pennyroyal - $2.75

Peony Root - $4.50

Peppercorn - $4.25

Peppermint - $3.50

Periwinkle - $3.50

Pine Needles - $7.50

Plantain - $3.50

Poke Root - $3.25

Poppy Seed - $3.25

Quassia Bark - $5.00

Raspberry Leaf - $3.25

Rhodiola - $3.75

Rhubarb - $2.75

Rose of Jericho - $6.00

Rose Buds - $3.25

Rose Petals - $3.25

Rosehips - $3.25

Rosemary - $2.50

Rue Leaf - $7.00 

Rue Powder - $3.50

Saffron Petals - $3.50

Saffron Powder - $3.50

Sage, White - $5.50

Sandalwood, Red Chips - $6.25

Sandalwood, Red Powder - $6.25

Sarsaparilla - $5.75

Sassafras - $3.00

Saw Palmetto Berries - $7.50

Saw Palmetto, Crushed - $4.75

Schizandra Berries - $3.00

Senna Leaf - $2.50

Senna Pods - $2.25

Sheep Sorrel - $5.00

Shepherd's Purse - $3.00

Skullcap - $6.50

Slippery Elm - $5.25

Solomon Seal - $6.75

Spearmint - $2.50

Spikenard - $8.00

Squaw Vine - $4.50

St. John's Wort - $4.50

Star Anise - $3.50

Stevia - $2.00

Strawberry Leaf - $3.25

Tansy Leaf - $2.75

Thyme Leaf - $2.50

Tonka Beans - $9.25

Turmeric Root - $1.25

Uva Ursi - $3.00

Valerian Root - $3.75

Vervain Leaf - $4.50

Vetiver - $4.50

Violet Leaf - $3.25

Wahoo Root & Bark - $5.00

White Willow Bark - $6.25

Wild Yam Root - $3.25

Winter Green Leaf - $2.75

Witch Hazel - $4.00

Wood Betony - $2.75

Woodruff Leaf - $3.00

Wormwood $4.50

Yarrow - $3.75

Yellow Dock - $2.75

Yerba Santa - $6.00

Yohimbe - $3.75

Occult Shop Magical Herb Blends


Some of these are based on traditional hoodoo herbal magic; others are our own  proprietary mixes. To be used externally in sachets, baths and spellwork.

Prices are $7.00 per ounce.

Binding Herbs

Black Candle Tobacco

Ceylon Sachet

Goofer Dust

Lady Tamarra Herbs

Love Herbs

Nine Holy Herbs

Pepper Mix (Hot Foot)

Protection Herbs

Reversing Herbs

Occult Shop

Herbal Teas


Natural magic for a specific purpose.

As with all medicine, consult a professional before self-medicating. $7.00 per ounce.

Elitref Tea (to help increase fertility in women)

Good Nature Tea (for a positive mood increase)

Prosperitea (to attract luck, money, and success)

Psychic Visions Tea (to aid in divination)

Serene Green Tea (soothing and uplifting)

Sevren Tea (for relaxation and to calm anxiety)

Student Tea (for focus, memory, and clarity)

Taf Tea (for healthy weight loss)



For thousands of years, people the world over have used sacred woods, tree and plant resins and other fragrant gifts from the earth to aid them in their magical practices, as tools in meditation, as offerings to the Gods, as spiritual cleansing and elevation, and to evoke a specific atmosphere in their space.


The Occult Shop offers this selection of very high quality resins for your magical needs. 

Alum, Powdered - $3.60 

Amber, Honey - $6.20 

Benzoin - $4.00

Camphor - $9.00 

Copal Gum - $6.25

Copal Gum, Black - $6.25

Dead Sea Salt - $1.00

Dragon's Blood - $7.96

Frankincense - $4.25

Frankincense, Powdered - $4.45


Gum Arabic, Powder - $3.75 

Gum Arabic, Whole - $6.20

Himalayan Salt - $2.75

Menthol - $11.50 

Myrrh - $4.25

Myrrh, Ethiopian - $8.10

Saltpetre - $3.65

Sea Salt - $0.75

Sulphur - $4.90

Three Kings - $3.54

Occult Shop Herbal Mixes

Suitable for burning on charcoal, or boiling and straining as a bath.

             $7.75 each, 1.5 oz.


Apollo Herbs, for Achievement

Aphrodite Herbs, for Passionate Love

Artemis Herbs, for Lunar Magic

Babalu-Aye Herbs, for Healing

Brigid Herbs, for Inspiration

Ellegua Herbs, for Jinx Removing

Hecate Herbs, for Protection

Hermes Herbs, for Communication

Hestia Herbs, for Hearth and Home

Inanna Herbs, for Divination

Isis Herbs, for True Love

Oshun Herbs, for Prosperity

Oya Herbs, for Change

Pan Herbs, for Freedom

Saturn Herbs, for Uncrossing

Vesta Herbs, for House Cleansing

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